Good is the enemy of best: quality control at ETH Zurich

Covers of Department Report and Faculty Report

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) is regularly ranked among the very best universities in the world. But ETH Zurich does not rest on its laurels. Once every seven years ETH is thoroughly evaluating each of its departments, looking for any hints to potential improvement. In 2022 it is the turn of the Department of Computer Science.

In the course of this self-evaluation, the department is visited and scrutinized by external experts. Usually professors from other universities or technology institutes. They extensively evaluate both courses and research activities with an holistic approach. The basis for all this is a comprehensive set of reports of department and faculty that document organisation and strategy of the department as well as goals and performance of each institute and chair.

Scholtysik created the reports in close collaboration with the department's communcations team and took care of the production of the digital and printed versions.

More on our work for the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich)

More on our work for the Department of Computer Science

Schnitt des gebundenen Reports
Person blättert im Faculty Report