Scholtysik & Partner is the first branding agency to join digitalswitzerland

Logo Scholtysik & Partner und digitalswitzerland

Effective branding is an essential management tool to successfully steer an organization through the challenges of digital transformation.

That is why Scholtysik & Partner joins the national initiative digitalswitzerland and will support this network of well-known Swiss companies and institutions in their quest to make Switzerland a leading hub for digital innovation.

digitalswitzerland strives to strengthen Switzerland’s position as a relevant hub for digital innovation. Members from academia, government, business, startups, and investors from various industries engage in cooperation. Specific collaboration platforms have been set up to facilitate and accelerate innovation and lead Switzerland forward.

Transformation needs branding

“Effective branding is the essential management tool to make transformation visible, to make people understand it and ultimately to succeed faster.” says Lukas Staudenmann, partner in the agency. During the ongoing digital transformation those brands will succeed that build on a powerful idea and live up to it consistently. “To stay true to the brand’s personality and remain highly adaptive at the same time is the big challenge for brand managers these days.”

Digital innovation affects brand management

In return, digital innovation has an effect on brand building and maintenance. New technologies lead to new ways to experience a brand and to interact with it. This further enlarges the role of the brand because at some point most people are overwhelmed with ever more options to interact and a rapidly growing information load. Strong and distinguished brands cut through the clutter and provide orientation.

Adding a branding perspective to the discourse

Scholtysik & Partner both create purely digital brands and serve long-established organizations to lead their brands through digital transformation. We know typical worries and challenges that organizations face in a transformation process and we will bring this knowledge into the discussion at digitalswitzerland and help to advocate and implement digital innovation successfully.

About digitalswitzerland

digitalswitzerland is a Swiss-wide, multi-stakeholder initiative created from the shared vision of its over 140 members from academia, government and business to strengthen Switzerland’s position as a leading innovation hub. The initiative covers a host of related topics such as corporate and startup enablement, knowledge transfer, political framework, education, and public dialogue.

More about topics and events of digitalswitzerland